Sunday, July 25, 2010

Just the usual Sunday night...

July is slowing come to an end. Soon, my birthday will be approaching and I wonder what can I do for my bday? I cant wait for my long "holiday"; I will be taking leave during my bday week. Happy! :D

I have been comtemplating if I should switch job lately and finally come to a final decision that I really have to go. I just wanna pursue in something that can give me the sense of satisfaction & challenge in whatever I am doing. I reckon my current job is rather stagnant and what makes me make up my mind is bcos of my immediate boss. I understand that she has no sufficient management skills yet and my colleague & I are the 1st batch of subordinates under her care.

I just felt very outcasted & insignificant. We have too many unpleasant disputes already and I am seriously not a "yes man" hence it makes it rather hard to work tgt with her. I just hope after my departure in this company, she will know how to manage the next girl that comes along. I will be super please to give her my feedback towards her managing skills but only when I tender my resignation letter. Being my immediate boss, she is still a woman afterall. Trying to be very objective but still emotional lah. Hard to change, that's y men & women are different.

I just cant bring myself to bootlick her like how my colleague always does. "Oh I need to check with my SUPERIOR", "Dear Superior, just to inform you ........" gosh I super cannot take it man! LOL. Even though everywhere is bound to have such ppl but I still think I wld prefer working alone than in a team. I never like to be in a team or working as a team. That's when all the favoritism comes in. I am someone who cannot stand such bias acts so I doubt I can work in a team.

Lately the accounts that I am handling is rather quiet and I hope that it will continue to be quiet till end of the yr.

Anyway, just last Sunday, I went to do my hair. Initially wanted to to soft rebonding (not those very straight kind; natural) but somehow got convinced to do Spa Rebonding (I didnt even ask what's the diff in result) which has more treatment in it. End up, the result is super straight and I seriously cannot take it. Sigh~ what to do? Blame myself for not being firm on my decision. I spend $250 (include a speedy treatment for the roots) in total but I guess 一分钱,一分货 my hair is indeed very good. No matter how I tie my hair and let it down, there are no obvious lines at all and even there is a slight line, it will be gone after awhile. Guess that's y the kind of $.

Baby Kariel is 9 mths old and she is indeed a joy! Always happy to have her in our place even so that I have to babysit her. She is such a darling, always like to pretend to cry wanting ppl to carry her. 4 more mths and my 2nd niece Kayleigh will be joining our family, cant wait! ^.^

My wisdom tooth is growing out abnormally and it hurts like shit! Got to visit dentist soon, sian. Got to spend $ again. Last year and this year is a super "spend-$-and-see-doc" year.

Till then....

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