Thursday, January 10, 2008

It's been so damn long since i last blogged.

My blog is rotting. I knw. 2007 had ended. For the upcoming year ahead, i just hope tht i will be happier than the past yr. Had too much tears shed last yr till i cldnt rem the times i've actually laughed and smiled. I seriously feel tht being too involve in the affairs of the heart is a waste of time and it affects me so much both mentally and physically. Nevertheless, upon seeing so many happy ppl i knw getting married i felt happy for them. However, i knw deep inside i wont be the happy one. Wasted too much time on things which isnt impt will nt repeat again for this new yr. I'm so looking forward to get my class 3 and of course getting myself a great job so tht i can save enuff money to get myself wad i want - a car. I guess the reason humans becoming more and more realistic is bcoz they too realise tht they shldnt spend too much unwanted time on unimpt things. Practically, only money can buy them happiness. Not literally though. I und y more women r getting more materialistic. I guess only money can buy them stuffs which can make them happy apart from guys. It's true. I suppose my theory is correct.

See, having lots of money u can travel anywhere u want, u can buy urself branded, buy urself a car and even ur own house? If tht's so, y need a man to do so? True love doesnt exists in my life i guess, they r all nuttin but fantasy. Been there, seen it and done it. It hurts me so much seeing myself getting so involved. My case shld be considered rare?

I really need to let off my stream. I really wanna get my feets on the dance floor, on the drink drank drunk and party all night long. I seriously need to do tht. Otherwise, i will really need to see a doc. I'm slowly getting outta control of my emotions. Sometimes i wonder if i take it too hard but i can see tht it's accumulative.

All the comparison, the words, the perception, expectation, selfishness is damn killing me! I can no longer take it in my stride.

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