Wonderful night spent with wonderful ppl.. *I <3 u'all
We finally decided to dine in at Sakae Sushi @ City Hall, Camwhoring while we eat...
Of course, not forgetting to take a pic of the bday girl tgt with the other pretty ones...
Our last round of food, we're trying our best to get all these in to our tummies... (we've eaten alot alrdy)
Tht big bowl of Terriyakki ramen belongs to becs, tht's wad me & serene cld help her to eat till..not bad ah, at least not so much left...but still, thanks for the treat my dear!
Aft Sakae, we decided to lay our butts in 12th Element @ BQ..yes, pubbing! Tht's the best plc we cld tot of...(see, so comfy!)
It's not tht bad actually, afterall...pubbing let us have the chance to cut the cake in a proper place and we can also camwhore (:
Me and Ru jie jie
Tht's our "supper" for the night.. lol
Becs the bday girl and me..
While waiting to cut the cake, we snap again!Look at her playful face! Shld have make her a cake-faced tht night..hahs
Make a wish my dear :DHer facial expression looks like she's gonna KILL the cake!
Tah dah~ the strawberry cakie! It's super duper creamy and delicious, we all love the strawberries!
My besties~!
Although there's only 4 of us to celebrate ur bday but I hope u do enjoy ur 22nd with US!!
Dearest Shannie~ haven seen her for 0183746382 days! *miss euu.. (and gambateh for ur work uh!)
Playing dice can be tht fun (of cos the company matters too)
Rebecca was there too..love her purple top!
Hanah, I knw u've gt nice dimples...
Her "last song" cos aft this song she's gg home. Can u guess wad song is she singing?(clue: see tht screen behind?)
Becs playing game with the guy who bring us the bday cake and dedicated a bday song for her...lols
The end....