Somewhat like how i feel for this coming season...
I guess i nd to stay home more often...
A journey to my growing up. A source for me to rant about those laughter, tears and joy I had.
She's gone with the Lambor, Graveyard, Tequila etc...
Thanks Yuwei for the care given to we girls!!
Boss in da hse! Our lao ban here is one sexy pole dancer!
Wahahas..the part bren, me, steph & others laugh till we drop bcoz of Jasson's dancing!!!!!!!! looks like some kind of .......(tuu~)
All happily dancing away & orki's pole dancing is a thumbs up!
Manager came to bec's rescue!
Not forgetting me - the price of being bec's best fren!
Tequila shots too...! Bday kiss just for you!
Bren, our manager is a crazy bitch whn comes to party! (poor Yuwei)
It's a total madness u can see! (...orki's face damn funny lah)
Bec's halfway thr!!
Omg drink again!!! (all thanks to Russell..) Poor harrassed!! hahas..
Lovely Steph & Bec...
the unwanted kiss!!
being forced...hahas